What's New In Cadfil® V9
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The Cadfil filament winding software has frequent updates as part of our continuous process of development and improvement, Cadfil version are of the form x.yy (e.g. 8.13) where x is the major yy is the minor version number. Major version revisions represent some significant step change in the software, this page details what is new in the major release Cadfil 9.00. Note that for subsequent additions in the feature list (9.04) indicates the feature is present at Cadfil version 9.04 onwards.
To keep up with these latest developments, Why not update your current software to the latest Cadfil software, please contact us for more information!
Introduction and Windows Compatibility
There are many hidden changes that the user does not see, a revamp of internal data structures has been made the easier facilitate new features and enhanced memory management and allow for distribution as a 64bit Windows application. Cadfil is still currently distributed as a 32bit Windows application because there is no significant advantage in 64bit at this time. As there are still many 32bit windows computers in use at this time it would have necessitated having both 32 and 64 bit systems and installers (A 32 bit application runs on both 32 and 64 bit Windows but 64 bit application does not run on a 32bit Windows). All new PC hardware has 64 bit windows and Cadfil will become an exclusively 64 bit application at some point in the future.
Cadfil 9 has been tested with Windows 7/8/8.1 and Windows 10. Windows Vista should be OK but has not been tested. Windows XP is no longer supported. From Version 9.15 routine testing is made only on Windows 10
New Features
Cadfil now supports additional 3D Graphics capabilities using the OpenGL system. If the PC has a 3D graphics card that supports OpenGL then this greatly improve the user experience.
- General 3D viewing of payout paths with dynamic pan / rotate /zoom controlled by the Mouse
- Advanced 3D simulation of the winding machine motion
- Modelling options for machine moving parts, with both - Roll and Roll/Yaw bodies definable
- Machine Geometry file can be specified as a command line (default start up) option (/head payhead-def-file-name )
- Advanced clash detection integration with the 3D motion simulation- Generally useful with 4 axis machine but very useful with complex winding head geometries on 6 axis machines/robots
- Fibre Trajectory/Mandrel self intersection detection integrated into 3D viewing - useful for elbow and tees and other complex geometries
- Simulation capture and encoding as MPEG movie
- Simulation view capture as Bitmap files
- Multi-bend ducts Options added to elbows package - for a vastly increased range of pipe bend geometries
- Additional language support. 98% of internal text in dialogs, messages and menus is from the external language file.
- Unicode language file support for language files in any character set
- Several language files included with the standard installation
- Command line option for default language file added ( /lang txt-file-name )
- Command line Option for default winding machine settings file added. ( /machine sm-file-name )
- Menu options reduced and simplified e.g. post process only shows options relevant to the winding machine selected.
- The Cadfil Text window, is now an independent console window. With many users having large/wide screens and multiple displays this gives more freedom to size and position the Windows in a way that suits the user.
- The Cadfil Windows sizes and positions can be saved as a user preference to use when the program is run another time.
- A wider range of information is now given to the Cadfil text window which has a large scroll buffer. By right clicking on the text winding and selecting "Select All" and then pressing The "Enter" key the contents of the text window go to the Copy buffer and can be then Pasted into a text file or email etc.
- Scaling factor for feed rate for each axis added.
- User defined composite command strings ($USER-DEF-1, $USER-DEF-2, ... ) for greater flexibility and to avoid repetition in winding machine configurations (SM files)
- Additional post-process configuration modes for Kuka Robots
- Additional post-process configuration modes for ABB Robots
- Fibre band twist and shear analysis and diagnostics added to post-processor output
- $TOOL-ASK,$TOOL-DEFAULT, $TOOL-MAX-NUM added for Robot support
- Additional functionality for path filtering
- "autofib" added the "pbatch" parametric options.
- Code optimisation/vectorisation to speed calculations
- V9.04 Non-moving machine parts (Static Scene) such (e.g. headstock) can be imported from 3D cad systems STL file.(9.04)
- V9.04 Static Scene can be used in 3D simulation and clash detection(9.04)
- V9.07 New Parametric options for making Pipe Reducers (9.07).
- V9.07 Support for longer file name rather than the "8.3" limit (9.07).
- V9.07 Support for Binary STL files added (ASCII already supported) (9.07)
- V9.07 Additional and improved features for Post Process output for accumulated material length and mass(9.07)
- V9.07 Additional parameter (e.g. band pattern selected) data added to .pay files for history traceability(9.07)
- V9.08 Enhancements to path generation options for tee winding and general non-axisymmetric winding(9.08)
- V9.08 Dynamic zoom pan rotate improved(9.08)
- V9.08 Feed rate scale factors for each axis added(9.08)
- V9.09 Additional Multi-Bend duct features(9.09)
- V9.09 Additional to Multi-Pipe dialog for individual layers length control(9.09)
- V9.09 New Post-process options added for "yaw/swinging arm" winders
- V9.10 Added post-process(16) - 5 axis no eyeroll method
- V9.11 New dialog interface of Multi-bend ducts
- V9.13 A fix to the 4 axis post-processor that causes eye roll twist up in some situations for some non-axisymmetric geometries such as elbows
- V9.15 Excel spreadsheet interface updates to support Office 2016 and beyond
- V9.15 New dialog for viewing and modifying SM data with help file link
- V9.15 Support for DK2 USB datakeys added rather than just DK3, network licence options added
- V9.16 User definable post-processors questions and output variables added
- V9.16 SM file editor facilities added
- V9.17 SM file editor enhanced with many more direct targeted links to help topics
- V9.17 Envelope improved (c3 added) for Pipe Reducers option)
- V9.17 $AX-2-OFF option fixed, broken since maybe 9.00 release
- V9.17 all SM file $ variables can now be output, $var >>> @@var@@
- V9.17 multi-hoop interface added for vessel with end-caps
- V9.18 New join path wizard, to help create join paths from pay files before and after.
- V9.18 NC program size reduction improved by changes to condense and merge features see help topic Filter length and filter angle.
- V9.19-V9.22 numerous small improvements and minor bug fixes
- V9.23 Addition of alternative mapping file for FEA laminate stack output, Cadfil can now import a CSV file with element/node ID and coordinate to make laminate mapping that is specific to an externally produced FEA mesh.
- V9.23 For FEA output individual layer thickness files can have different orthotropic material index set.
- V9.24 Minor updates/fixes. Payout version variable included in payout files for additional traceability.
- V9.24 Multibend ducts (MBD) get a modification to allow for repeatability of hoop wind layers.
- V9.25 Vessel with endcaps, occasional (regression) bug with small reverse rotation at end fixed. Minor updates/fixes.
- V9.26 Installer now works correctly when not run from the system (C:) drive, e.g. from a USB stick drive.
- V9.27 Path fragment eliminator (small segments) improved and bug in V9.24-9.26 fixed.
- V9.27 Option to automatically make a reverse joining path when saving a joining path added.
- V9.28 Minor changes. Improvements to post processing for special yaw winders added.
- V9.29 Improvements in handling use of inch for mandrel definition. Addition of optional scale factor when reading payout head files and STL files.
- V9.29 Bugfix with (rare) reverse rotation at end path for vessels with endcaps/axsym
- V9.30 Joining paths can no be created on Axsym mandrel that use symmetry without having to create a full mandrel.
- V9.30 Feature for calculating and adding fillets in the mandrel editor added.
- V9.30 Features for FEA interface mapping to an external mesh. Features to shift, scale and re-orientate coordinate systems so the external FEA system data can be matched to Cadfil.
- V9.30 External point data can be loaded and viewed/analysed in the 3D viewing options.
- V9.30 A fix outputting NC data that uses sequential subprogram numbers (e.g. Fanuc G-code), a regression bug in V9.18
- V9.30 Optional Feature for Entec MCL file conversion to G-code added.
- V9.30 Improvements for non-English language support
- V9.31 Payout file type ID and number of sub programs added to post processes (PP) output parameter variables.
- V9.31 SHJ - Std/hoop/join PP output variable added.
- V9.32 OpenGL shading model improved, it is now much smoother.
- V9.32 AutoCAD DXF file version now checked and reported when importing a DXF file.
- V9.32 AutoCAD DXF file import has some addition diagnostic messages.
- V9.32 In OpenGL animations, the numbers of strands in the fibre band from payout to mandrel can be now specified on the 3D Options dialog sub-menu.
- V9.32 Upgrades eligibility notification screen added.
- V9.32 Cadfil Version information now includes the version release date.
- V9.32 The Multi-Hoop Dialog now includes band thickness (t0) and can now create th2 thickness files to use in making FEA export data
- V9.34 Whole new interfaces for FEA data output and input with many new options and features see FEA data output.
- V9.34 Refactoring th2 thickness files to a master mandrel, where various mandrels with thickness added have been used. Useful for accurate accumulated external profiles for FEA.
- V9.36 SOLID model FEA output option in BDF data using PCOMPLS and brick (CHEXA) elements.
- V9.36 SOLID model FEA output option in UNV data format (incomplete definition at present).
- V9.36 3D FEA viewer gets support for 3D Brick mesh.
- V9.36 Optistruct/Hypermesh data deck output added, for COPV's a deck that can be directly sent to the solver is produced.
- V9.36 Option of failure model type (e.g. TSAI, STRN, HILL,...) and inter-laminar shear strength values available for PCOMP family of data cards
- V9.36 Vessel with end-caps gets option to automatically update the vessel parameters to allow for winding thickness.
- V9.36 Vessel with end-caps, input file now has tagged parameter format to aid reading by humans!
- V9.36 option for 4 plies per layer rather than 2 plies for FEA output to give better laminate symmetry within the ply.
- V9.36 Option to support Global Ply ID in BDF output. Very useful down-stream in the FEA Pre/post if it supports this option.
- V9.37 PCOMPS support option added as used by NX Nastran/FEMAP uses this rather than PCOMPLS for laminates for solid FEA models
- V9.37 Bug fix handling file names with spaces in them in combine programs creation option.
- V9.37 Vessel with endcaps does not allow a save if input data fields are empty, this stops users making accidental file overwrites.
- V9.37 @@PASSES-X-LAYERS@@ added, this is number of cycles * number of layers(repeats) and can can be used in any post-process block
- V9.38 Warning added for large band progression factor that will effect wind angle
- V9.38 several 'edge case' problems creating thickness data for use in FEA analysis rectified, these were in the extremes positions of layers
- V9.38 100 thickness file limit lifted for creating FEA models
- V9.38 Mandrel update in vessel with endcaps added at 9.37 has bug fix added.
- V9.39 Entec MCL converter, additions items supported and additional data checks.
- V9.39 Units text not mm or inch added to many dialogs where dimension parameters are entered.
- V9.39 FEA output parameters added as comment in FEM and BDF output files for traceability
- V9.40 Minor changes/improvements to Optistruct FEA output
- V9.40 Bug fix in refactoring th2 files FEA output (edge case)
- V9.40 Sphere parametric now gives th2 file output
- V9.41 ESAcomp output bug that could have section numbers on elements from 0 to N-1 rather than 1 to N fixed
- V9.41 Can select FEA UD material from Cadfil database for bdf/fem output
- V9.41 units scaling option SI or SI(mm) for BDF file MAT8 cards
- V9.41 Failure type removed from MAT8 cards for Optistruct as only supported by NX Nastran.
- V9.42 Bug fixed, we were getting only half true element thickness for FEA solids with HEX8 bricks
- V9.42 BDF Failure type parameter can now be blank if required.
- V9.42 ESAcomp output bug fixed that could have section numbers on elements from 2 to N+1 rather than 1 to N
- V9.42 More than one material now allowed in ESAComp data deck
- V9.42 @@PP-OPTION@@ added, this allows the output of the post-processor option to the NC file.
- V9.42 Updates to development pin plunge code for pin winding
- V9.42 Warning now given for file names that have spaces as this can mess up on certain CNCs
- V9.43 Vessel with Endcaps zero point in mandrel warning for true domes fixed (9.35 regression)
- V9.43 Fix for degenerate HEXA elements with zero thickness in FEA Output, new control parameter added
- V9.43 Additional information now given if a user selects the wrong type of parameter file
- V9.43 Improvements to Parametric mandrel updating for thickness
- V9.43 Hypermesh output improvements HM comments added to BDF to create named components etc.
- V9.43 Added bend/shear stress to pole bending output table and updated excel template
- V9.43 TH2 thickness file support added for pipe wining to enable FEA output for QuickCad pipes.
- V9.43 For FEA the master mandrel is now the basis for refactoring th2 table rather than first th2 file mandrel profile eliminating a number of potential problems.
- V9.44 Cadfil Bulk data mesh import now supports meshes with Sparse element number and grid numbers
- V9.44 Cadfil Bulk data mesh import now packs and renumbers imported FEA meshes
- V9.44 Mandrel edit and vessel with end-caps now report the mandrel volume
- V9.44 In FEA interfaces a material/layer table. is created and material index can be mapped to a properties database
- V9.44 Improvements to supporting user created TH2 files for liner/additional reinforcements etc.
- V9.44 Added support for an external header include file for data deck output so the user can customise analysis control
- V9.44 Improvements to the Useful Calculations Option
- V9.44 Parameter option for bdf output extensions for data decks added BDF/NAS/DAT/FEM/whatever
- V9.44 Ply thickness (t0) added to materials selection table for FEA output
- V9.44 Additional context sensitive help options added to FEA interfaces and Help updated
- V9.44 For FEA output to comma separated value (CSV) tables, the separator (Comma, Semicolon) is now a user parameter
- V9.45 FEA added repeats option for th2 files in list file
- V9.45 FEA added material include file
- V9.45 Error fix for Vessel with end caps mandrel update
- V9.45 FEA fixed error that would not allow blank FT values
- V9.45 FEA added FT type for MAT cards distinct from FT for PCOMP cards (NX/MSC Nastran differences)
- V9.45 FEA Cyclic symmetry solid model (_CYSYM) option added
- V9.45 FEA XSTEP parameter to allow better mesh control for CYSYM and AX models.
- V9.45 FEA some Faster methods deployed for large models which were very slow to make.
- V9.45 FEA fix to material axes for shell models with CTRIA cards
- V9.45 New analysis main menu Created as the Utilities menu was cluttered
- V9.45 Excel input file interface added for Entec MCL file conversion to normal CNC file
- V9.45 Graphics glitches with AXNRM error messages for vessel with end-caps .pay file viewing when drawing bands fixed
- V9.45 FEA Option to suppress creation of Hypermesh HM Comments
- V9.46 FEA include file name parameter could not be set to null one it had been set to a value. Now fixed.
- V9.46 Pipe Wind parametric now has band thickness T0 parameter to allow TH2 thickness file creation.
- V9.46 FEA Cyclic symmetry model did not set boundary condition properly where the model was a pipe rather than a closed end pressure vessel.
- V9.46 FEA when T2 file is selected you also get an IGES files with curves of the model profile after each layer.
- V9.46 The mandrel editor has an option to output the mandrel and envelope profiles curves as IGES data.
- V9.46 Multi-Pipe gets the length offset feature so that individual layers can be adjusted in length, often useful for reducing the thickness build-up at pipe ends.
- V9.47 PROCESS-REPEAT-PAYFILES post process option created for where there is no formal sub-program NC structures so ant pay file that is applied multiple times must be post-processed multiple times.
- V9.47 FEA-3D_MATE option to allow MATE11/MATORT/MAT9OR bulk data selection for solids (CHEXA/CPENTA) elements
- V9.47 several minor fixes and improvements
- V9.48 The Cadfil Expression Evaluator has been added which allows mathematical expressions in input boxes that take a numerical value
- V9.48 SM name name not updated on show NC data dialog
- V9.48 All table dialogs now use improved table controls.
- V9.48 All dialogs now uses the same system dialog font for improved double byte character set support.
- V9.48 Numerous dialog string table references added to expand non-English language support.
- V9.48 Classic payout view dialog now does not have unnecessary redraws when updating multiple display parameters.
- V9.48 'Save as' button added to Multi-pipe dialog.
- V9.49 Fix for insert position in combined files editor
- V9.49 Fibre path normals can now use range menu setting in advanced graphics viewing system
- V9.50 Multi-hoop dialog now checks number of boxes filled against number of points user specifies
- V9.50 Bands view can now use range menu setting in advanced graphics viewing system
- V9.50 Join path wizard fix, it picked last point of 2nd file rather than the first point
- V9.50 (BETA) New duct with spine QuickCAD option added, this is a new license option feature also.
- V9.51 (BETA) Winding report in post-processor.
- V9.51 (BETA) Extra Format check for for $FORMAT-SPF/MPF.
- V9.51 (BETA) Linked new help topic for axis limits added.
- V9.51 (BETA) header description added in SM editor for axis name.
- V9.51 (BETA) Cadfil website upgraded to https.
- V9.52 (BETA) Better error trapping in window_pos_set/restore.
- V9.52 (BETA) Spine code in FEA has been made multi-layer.
- V9.53 (BETA) Error causing crash in pipe reducer module fixed.
- V9.53 (BETA) Button added to switch seamlessly between advanced and classic graphic modes.
- V9.53 (BETA) XR mandrel data can be imported without an envelope, default envelope is created.
- V9.53 (BETA) Added help link for @@MDF-NAME@@ error.
- V9.54 FEA import now includes LS PrePrep .k (keyword) file.
- V9.55 Winding report in post-process improved.
- V9.55 The default working directory automatically restored after manually accessing configuration files in the Cadfil system directory, this has irritated me for quite some time!
- V9.55 MAT9ORT card used for Hypermesh, HM does not recognise MAT9OR. added block $BLOCK-SPF-EXPAND
- V9.55 Added block $BLOCK-SPF-EXPAND in post-process settings.
- V9.55 winding machine Axis labels corrected in increments editor under post-process.
- V9.55 TZERO added to tapered pipe for FEA compatibility.
- V9.55 several 32 to 64bit user interface bug fixes, new help topics added.
- V9.56 Development features for pin winding in pipes updated.
- V9.56 User interface for Pipe/tapered Pipe/Hoop/Pipe Joining paramedics updated and commonised to allow increased named parameters and additional features such as pin winding.
- V9.56 Output of PCOMPG in FEA made more efficient by elimination multiple card entries that have the same laminate data.
- V9.56 Improvements in machine motion merging in post-processor and payout file generation.
- V9.57 Bug fix reading old format JPIPE and pipe1 parameter files.
- V9.57 Improvements in checking imported envelope data, new warning/error messages.
- V9.57 Post processor machine limit checking moved to text window rather than graphics window as this is clearer and can be copied/saved if required.
- V9.58 Pipe Parametrics now have better use of the pin winding options, optional user prompt added.
- V9.58 Several minor Improvements and bug fixes for motion merging.
- V9.59 New full solid model in FEA Interfaces.
- V9.59 Pin plunge options added to tapered pipes.
- V9.60 DXF import mandrel point overflow bug fix.
- V9.60 Default bandwidth PBATCH bug fix.
- V9.60 Winding report bug fix where layers are repeated.
- V9.61 Material data dialog button added to multi hoop dialog.
- V9.61 Info warning message if no material data on .pay file create.
- V9.61 Bug fix in TH2 files for parametric pipe.
- V9.61 Rotate point setting for 3d view options.
- V9.61 Update to options menu in 3D graphics.
- V9.61 Update to static scene viewing in 3D graphics.
- V9.62 Fixed possible Vessel with Endcaps bug with infinite loop resulting in 'memory full' error.
- V9.62 Improved Vessel with Endcaps quickCAD for vessels with conical endcaps.
- V9.62 Additional diagnostic messages added for joining paths for cylinders with dome ends.
- V9.63 Bug fix for versions 9.61 and 9.62, these versions have since been removed.
- V9.64 Join path now ensures OGL window closes on path finish/save.
- V9.64 Updated to combined winding editor to properly support spctl read/write/edit.
- V9.64 New global settings for default winding speed and start speed.
- V9.64 Bug fix for editing lines in mandrel editor.
- V9.65 Improved check for required special block when the expand loops option is used.
- V9.65 New beta feature for winding elliptical end opening.
- V9.66 Beta, various bug fixes including on new elliptical winding features.
- V9.67 Multi-pipe T0 value is now set, instead of having a 0 default.
- V9.67 TH2 files created as default.
- V9.67 Various upgrades in FEA file creation and format.
- V9.68 Additional features added for non-axisymmetric mandrel winding.
- V9.69 Added support for LS-DYNA for cyclic symmetry.
- V9.69 Additional checks for STL and dyna import decks for mandrels.
- V9.70 Many updates to ABAQUS type CYSYM models.
- V9.70 Further STL mesh fixes.
- V9.70 HDF5 material name checking added for valid characters.
- V9.70 Multi-pipe bug fix where friction was set lower at certain wind angles.
- V9.71 Multi-pipe default feed rate bug fix where F was set to 0.
- V9.71 Numerous fixes and enhancements for ABAQUS/CYSYM.
- V9.71 BETA feature added to use custom domes from Axsym mandrel editor when using Vessel with Endcaps QuickCAD.
- V9.72 FEA Flavours expanded, including Dyna, Abaqus and NAS family for Cyclic symmetry, Solid and Full Solid.
- V9.72 FEA interfaces user interface changed to give drop down list.
- V9.72 User prompt default value can be set in sm file e.g.$USR-PRMT-VAL-1=50.0.
- V9.73 Free edge (hole) finder and display added to advanced view menu.
- V9.73 Direction bug fixed, when going to constant angle in Axsym with negative mandrel rotation.
- V9.73 Updates to boundary condition FEA outputs for LS-DYNA, ABAQUS and NASTRAN Family.
- V9.73 ABAQUS shell model support added, improvements to Solid model support.
- V9.73 FEA dialog options simplified and re-organised.
- V9.73 Added mandrel point normals display to menu on advanced view dialog
- V9.73 NEW additional to winding materials full fibre/resin selection recipes added to materials database and Winding material selection dialogs improved
- V9.74 Bug that causes infinity error in Cadfil Elbow parametric fixed.
- V9.74 Mandrel editor can now datum in R direction as well as X
- V9.74 Pattern fix and fill order fix in truss winding quickCAD
- V9.75 Useful Calculations Dialog can now be left open and used at any time.
- V9.75 Beta option to define moving payout head geometry via STL file for visualisation but not clash calculation
- V9.75 Improvements in primitives definition and use for OpenGL graphics. GLU dependencies removed
- V9.75 New Optional Parametric option for contact winding of rubber(flexible) tapes.
- V9.75 User interface for the Sphere PArametric modernised and consolidated into a single dialog that covers all options.
- V9.75 "charset", command line argument added as a development feature (beta)
- V9.75 Fix for ABAQUS shell model as *SHELL SECTION was giving normalised rather than true layer thicknesses.
- V9.75 Fix for ABAQUS material property names when more than one UD material used in the same model.
- V9.75 Enhancements to custom file converter options (pho)
- V9.75 FEA thickness list file can now have an optional material index override on any line.
- V9.76 Rubber strip winder can run in negative X direction also.
- V9.76 Improvement to surface normal accuracy for Rubber strip winder
- V9.76 ABAQUS FEA shell model laminate offset corrected for Shell Section cards.
- V9.77 Multi-hoop generated from vessel with endcaps gets band step direction fix when starting in negative X direction.
- V9.77 Tape speed parameter added to Rubber Strip winder.
- V9.77 Row editor dialog for combined winding table
- V9.77 Optional user definable parameters CW-EXTRA1/2 attributes added per line in combined winding table, useful for tension or heaters of other ancillary controls.
- V9.77 Fix for merging NC blocks where a small erroneous motion occurred on one axis some occasions.
- V9.77 Cover factor added to payout parameters, text win output, band pattern table and winding report.
- V9.77 Bug on solution stability for vessel with endcaps for negative path rotational direction.
- V9.77 Checks/warnings for custom mandrel in vessel with endcaps that have open ended domes.
- V9.77 (BETA) Reverse join path helix direction corrected and other improvements.
- V9.77 (BETA) /cadfil-path command line argument to take ALL cadfil configuration files from a user defined folder rather than the system folder.
- V9.78 Numerous internal changes to support future developments, and some code modernisation
- V9.78 Added Beta level initial support for MYSTRAN free FEA solver.
- V9.79 STEP File Import added to mandrel edit dialog menu.
- V9.79 Additional entities support in STEP file interface, bug fixes and improvements.
- V9.79 Additional information, diagnostic and input error messages for FEA interfaces.
- V9.80 Mandrel step import improvements/fixes
- V9.80 Mandrel STEP file export added.
- V9.80 STEP import support for Rational Beta Spline and some other types added.
- V9.80 STEP export has automotive schema added to allow curve entity colours to be exported.
- V9.80 Combined winding editor can now add combined windings (.ctl) in addition to .pay files
- V9.80 OpenGL viewing improvements, now only surfaces are light source shaded not path curves
- V9.80 Bug fix (regression) to 9.79, it was only accepting MSC Nastran as FEA export flavour!
- V9.80 For FEA automatically created thickness list files now have default repeats and defualt material index set if not explicitly set by user!
- V9.80 Bug fix in shell FEA model where inconsistent data could be interpolated near ply drop-offs
- V9.80 When reinstalling a version on overwriting of the write protected excel templates in install folder suppressed
- V9.80 in some cases the display of the finished program file did not occur when asked for
- V9.81 Duplicate $var checker for SM file
- V9.81 Cadfil does not need to be restarted after a successful licence update
- V9.81 Default LS-Dyna output file type from .dyn to .key as ANSYS does not accept .dyn
- V9.81 File read buffering of long lines improved
- V9.81 Automatic fibres placement (AFP) axisymmetric fragment feature added
- V9.81 Added dialog for parameter changes for AFP and added a new help topic
- V9.81 Added Windows console type checker and two console type console management for Windows 11 update terminal/console host problems
- V9.81 STEP file interface improved for ultra long file records problem
- V9.81 Windows Registry access problem fixed, was broken since V9.55
- V9.81 New dialog to allow command line default options to be set in registry for current user
- V9.81 bug with long if payfile_thickness_hit_pts_xxx.csv file name fixed
- V9.81 CGM material now fixed at mat8 for Optistruct
- V9.81 Recoding and modernisation of plates option and added intermediate angle option
- V9.82 Symmetric mandrel crash in payout path creation 9.81 regression fix
- V9.82 Winding report fibre length error for symmetric mandrels, length and material usage was only 50%
- V9.82 blank line in now allowable in start position block in post processor configuration
- V9.83 Plates Code New features, Updates and fixes (Beta)
- V9.83 Regression bug fix that was unilaterally removing some white space in post process output.
- V9.83 MYSTRAN FEA update to add FORCE cad computation in lieu of unsupported PLOAD cards. MYSTRAN still not fully featured .
- V9.83 Post Proceeds option 24 improvements. Switchover threshold angle option added and diagnostic info. of shear/twist added to animation in text window output)
- V9.83 For symmetric axisymmetric mandrels and option to start the path on the symmetry added rather than needing to know the axial coordinate.
- V9.83 3D Graphics for join path target circles improved, where sometime partial visible
- V9.83 For 3D shaded graphics some objects now have unshaded attribute for improved graphics
- V9.83 For Network licences with Green DK2, Desnet licence monitor tool added to utilities menu.
- V9.83 Improvements/fixes to automated axsym tool.
- V9.83 Improvements/fixes to batch parameters automation tool (PBATCH).
- V9.83 Internal changes for Vessel Design tool (option release coming soon)
- V9.83 Internal changes for Automated Join paths (option release coming soon)
- V9.83 Erroneous switch from join path advanced view to classic view no longer permitted.
- V9.84 DXF file import broken now fixed
- V9.84 SUB-POINT-COUNT post-processor config variable added to count/output motion lines in a sub program
- V9.84 Automatic Join path, from combined winging and join path wizard (BETA)
- V9.85 User interface for Flat Plates parametric updated and new features added
- V9.85 More options added to mandrel edit dialog menu such as parametric vessel with end-caps
- V9.85 Many edits and new features for Vessel Design module, however not as yet released.
- V9.85 Warning for empty (but used!) $USER-DEF-x in post-processor configuration.
- V9.85 New DK3 and Dk2 driver versions included in installer
- V9.85 Display (rounding) bug showing band pattern fixed when circuits is large.
- V9.85 Regression bug in mandrel edit flip X fixed when no envelope present
- V9.85 @@config@@ not always processed in all cases in post-processor now fixed.
- V9.86 sphere, plates,teegen1, EDGEWND and JAVELIN moved to $ parametric style dialog as enabled more post-processing customisation.
- V9.86 tee generate bug fix
- V9.86 Registry config dialog for settings improved, default shortcut command line options removed from installer as they are better managed by the registry dialog.
- V9.86 Several regressions / bugs from 9.84 and 9.85 fixed.
In additional there are many small changes, improvements and bug fixes. Our philosophy is to maintaining the general usage of the program such that an old user does not have to re-learn how to do things!