JEC Paris 2025

We look forward to meeting you again at the JEC Show Europe (Paris). The JEC show will be held 4-6 March 2025 at Paris Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre, Paris, France. If you would like to arrange a meeting to discuss how we can help you, please contact us or you should be able to find us at the CNC Technics stand, Hall 5 E117
February 2025: New Release of Cadfil V9.86
Details of new features and changes can be found at the What's New page.
August 2024: New Release of Cadfil V9.85 with Automated Join paths
The Cadfil V9.85 update has been launched with a number of maintenance updates for V9.84 which has been retired from the updates page, if you have 9.84 please install the update.
June 2024: New Release of Cadfil V9.84 with Automated Join paths
Cadfil 9.84 has some great new additional features for saving time with joining paths to combine different winding layers. The interactive join path is powerful in that a user has full flexibility to cater with all situations, however, we appreciate that in some instances (COPVs being a good example) many users want a 'just do it' option so this is what we have provided. You can find a simple example and explained in this help topic from Cadfil Help. For a list of new features and changes please see the What's New page.

April 2024: Cadfil Newsletter
We have launched an occasional newsletter with the latest Cadfil news, releases and information. If you would like to receive this please use the subscribe form on the Contacts page.
March 2024: Cadfil V9.83 Release
After further development, we have added even more new features and functionality to Cadfil Software. For a list of new features and changes please see the What's New page.
JEC Paris 2024
We look forward to meeting you again at the JEC Show Europe (Paris). The JEC show will be held 5-7 March 2024 at Paris Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre, Paris, France. If you would like to arrange a meeting to discuss how we can help you, please contact us or you should be able to find us at the CNC Technics stand, Hall 5 E117

December 2023: New AFP features for local reinforcement
There is currently great interest in the design and manufacture of Composite pressure vessels (COPVs), particularly for applications in the areas of energy storage and sustainable transportation using hydrogen. The only viable manufacturing process for such vessels is via the use of the filament winding process. This article discusses how in some circumstances the efficiency of COPVs can be improved by using a hybrid process of filament winding and localised reinforcement using an Automatic Fibre Placement (AFP) methods. Reference is made to the Cadfil software system which can be used for the design and manufacture of components using both manufacturing technologies using newly introduced features.

November 2023: Windows 11 Issue Notification
We have found issues in Windows 11 installations where the Cadfil graphics window will open, but the Cadfil text window fails to launch or closes unexpectedly. This is due to Microsoft changing long established Windows behaviour in recent updates and now using the Microsoft Windows Console application interface gives unexpected and unpredictable results. This problem can occur in any version before Cadfil 981, but can be resolved using the information on this Help Page
November 2023: Cadfil V9.80 Release
We've been working at adding even more new features and functionality to Cadfil Software. For a list of new features and changes please see the What's New page.
February 2023: Cadfil V9.75 Release
Things never stand still at Cadfil, Version 9.75 is now available on our updates page. Typically there are several software releases every year. For a list of new features and changes please see the What's New page. If you no longer have maintenance on your system please contact us, it is always possible to upgrade to the latest Cadfil specifications and to benefit from our excellent technical support services.
November 2022: New Filament winding FEA Site
Cadfil Software has added many new cutting edge features for automating many processes for creating FEA models. These features greatly speed the design cycle for wound components and pressure vessels in particular. Because the main focus of is manufacturing (winding machine control) we have launched a whole new website at This new site is dedicated to FEA for wound parts and we will be adding relevant news and features over the coming months. Why not take a quite look and bookmark this site?

June 2022: Cadfil/C2ES jet engine nozzle project
Cadfil Software has been published in JEC magazine for our recent work with both C2ES and KCarbon in Korea. Read the full article Filament winding process based on jet engine nozzle geometry for stealth aircraft at JEC Composites
In the case of an S-shaped double serpentine nozzle such as this, it is essential to create an accurate fibre placement and winding trajectory through manufacturing (CAD/CAM)design tools in advance. However with this non-axisymmetric shape this is more difficult.
Because this component is primarily a complex duct (a multi-curved tube of a variable section) a method based on using helical paths generated relative to a curved spine was used. This is analogous to winding a helix relative to the axis of a normal round pipe whose axis is a straight line.

April 2022: Winding elliptical end openings
During normal axisymmetric winding of a pressure vessel, a circular end opening is always created at both ends. Recently a customer requested if Cadfil could make a pressure vessel with an elliptical polar opening at one end. The reason for this is that the vessel needed more than one entry port, a central port and two additional ports arranged in a line. Maximum composite coverage around the ports was still required for structural performance.
Cadfil has always been highly responsive to users requests so we implemented a new software option that allowed a standard winding path to be modified with elliptical dimensions at one end opening. This then creates a continuous path that covers the whole part rather than the normal axisymmetric route of making a single circuit that is repeated. Standard 3D payout viewing, machine simulation and post-processing top create NC data can then be used. If you have similar requirements please contact us and we will be happy to help.

September 2021: Composites World Magazine
A novel wave energy system using large filament wound buoys is featured in an article in Composites World magazine. The article concerns our work with CorPower Ocean, as discussed in February, and their work in offshore wave energy. In this project we also worked closely with Autonational BV who developed the winding machine used in the project. Cadfil software was used to create the winding patterns, and to create the laminate structures for FEA analysis during development of the product. The loading of the buoy is complex and minimising weight is key to achieving efficient energy harvesting so the use of Cadfil was very important for the efficient design of the winding.

June 2021: Cadfil V9.60 Release
Cadfil Version 9.60 is now available, there are several new features to Cadfil including multiple maintenance updates, as well as new functionality for converting previous files for use with a different machine. For a more complete list of changes, please see the What's New page.
February 2021: Cadfil Pin Plunge features
As part of Cadfil 9.58, pin plunge features are now included for pipe winding. Pin rings are already used with low angle winding on pipes in order to reduce the required turn length, but pin plunge improves this process further.
In the new release, parameters are set which allow the payout head to 'plunge' by moving towards the mandrel after passing over the pins, this helps to ensure that the fibres engage with the pins in the correct place. The payout head will then lift again after the dwell section, in order to pass back over the pins again without collision Pin rings can now also be visualised on the surface of the pipe in order to simulate how this will look. The parameters that draw the pins on the surface are highly customisable in order to make the simulation as realistic as possible. For more information see the Pin Plunge Winding page

February 2021: Cadfil V9.58 Release
Cadfil Version 9.58 is now available, there are several new features to Cadfil including changes to make the software 64 bit and additional help pages. For a more complete list of changes, please see the What's New page.
September 2020: Cadfil Filament Winding in offshore wave energy
Filament winding has many diverse applications, in a recent project Cadfil was used extensively in the part production and FEA analysis of new offshore wave energy technology being developed by CorPower Ocean, from Sweden. These large buoys at about 9m in diameter are made of a wound glass-fibre composite which has to withstand extreme conditions at sea and substantial operating stresses. The large winding machine for the project has been developed by Autonational BV from the Netherlands. By creating a composite product instead of steel, it makes the buoy more lightweight and corrosion resistant, both being critical criteria for a successful and efficient product. More information can be found in the press article from the Leeuwarder Courant an online newspaper.

July Cadfil V9.50(BETA) Release
Cadfil Version 9.50 Beta is now available, the Beta is in some new options that will not effect most users. There some minor fixes and improvements also. The changes are listed on the What's New Page.
July Cadfil V9.48 Release
Cadfil Version 9.48 Beta is now available, there are many changes behind the since in preparation for a range of new features, a big change in this version is the Expression Evaluator that allows numeric formulas in most input boxes. The changes are listed on the What's New Page.
Towards Efficient Composite Pressure Vessel Design
Competing future vehicle concepts have drives using clean energy stored in batteries or hydrogen. On-board storage of high-pressure hydrogen gas to supply fuel cells needs weight-efficient pressure vessels utilizing composite materials, that operate safely and reliably under challenging thermo-mechanical service conditions, be affordable and meet standards.
Using the expertise and software from Cadfil for winding simulation and base model/fibre architecture generation and Partnering with the Altair Composites Team, CIKONI (follow link for more information) identified the benefits of Altair Multiscale Designer™ to increase simulation efficiency by its virtual material characterization to create accurate and reliable material models for structural simulation. They applied Multiscale Designer, Altair OptiStruct, Altair ESAComp and Cadfil winding simulation (pdf info sheet link).

Cadfil V9.47 Release
Cadfil Version 9.47 is now available, there have been several new Cadfil Version releases in the last few weeks reflecting quite a number of new features including extensive new features for Finite Element Analysis interfaces. The changes are listed on the What's New Page.
Cadfil V9.46 Release
Cadfil Version 9.46Beta is now available, there have been several new Cadfil Version releases in the last few month reflecting quite a number of new features including extensive new features for Finite Element Analysis interfaces. The changes are listed on the What's New Page.
FEA Webinar, Composite Pressure Vessel Design and Simulation
In recent months we have made a great deal of development on powerful new interfaces to Finite element analysis (FEA) systems and can now generate a range of different type of model and model data for a number of popular FEA systems. You can find more information at this link and the latest overview in this link (PDF).
One Company that we have been working closely with is Altair engineering who have a full and highly impressive range of FEA products (Hyperworks, Hypermesh, Optistruct, Multiscale Design system, ESAComp,……). We have a detailed range if integrations available for these products. If you are bored due to Covid-lockdown or are just interested in learning more about modern FEA capabilities there is Webinar being run by Altair on April 1st , the details and a link to register are given below.
Composite Pressure Vessel Design and Simulation - by Harri Katajisto, Altair Engineering
Composites webinar # 5
April 1 - starting at 15.00 (CET), 9.00 am (EDT),Register at.
UPDATE NOTE This data has now past but the webinar is still available for viewing if you follow the link.
Cadfil V9.45 Release
Cadfil Version 9.45Beta is now available, there have been several new Cadfil Version releases in the last few month reflecting quite a number of new features including extensive new features for Finite Element Analysis interfaces. The changes are listed on the What's New Page.
JEC Paris 2020
We look forward to meeting you again at the JEC Show Europe (Paris). The JEC show will be held 3-4-5 March 2020 at Paris Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre, Paris, France. If you would like to arrange a meeting to discuss how we can help you, please contact us or you should be able to find us at the CNC Technics stand.
Jan 2020
Cadfil Version 9.42 and 9.43Beta are now available, there have been several new Cadfil Version releases in the last few month reflecting quite a number of new features including extensive new features for FEA exports. The changes are listed on the What's New Page.
October 2019 - Cadfil feature in JEC composites magazine
Cadfil director Andrew Priestley has written an article in the latest edition of the JEC composites magazine, This article discusses developments in filament winding software over the last 30 years, and discusses some of the most recent new features which are required for some modern manufacturing processes, including developments in machine simulation, developments in pipe fitting winding and integration of the winding process into the design system. To read the entire article, please click the picture below

May 2019:
Cadfil Version 9.30 is released with new updates and features. Some of the changes are listed on the What's New Page.
April 2019:
Cadfil Version 9.29 is released with new updates and features. Some of the changes are listed on the What's New Page.
JEC World Paris 2019
We look forward to meeting you again at the JEC World Show (Paris). The JEC show will be held 12-13-14 March 2019 at Paris Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre, Paris, France. If you would like to arrange a meeting to discuss how we can help you, please contact us or you should be able to find us at the CNC Technics stand in the India Pavilion Hall 5 E61.
December 2018 - Composicad where are you????
To any filament winders that "invested" in the Composicad software and are now feeling abandoned and unloved.... Special offers are available to upgrade from ComposiCAD to CADFIL, please contact us. We ARE the leading filament winding software system with a large worldwide user base. We have been in continuous business since 1986 supplying software solutions for filament winding!
August 2018 - Time Lapse Winding Movie:
We don't seem to have posted any news for a while so here is a great time-lapse movie of winding a rocket motor that our customer Cesaroni Technology generated using Cadfil Software. I hope you enjoy it!
JEC Paris 2018
We look forward to meeting you again at the JEC Show Europe (Paris)>. The JEC show will be held 6-7-8 March 2018 at Paris Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre, Paris, France. If you would like to arrange a meeting to discuss how we can help you, please contact us or you should be able to find us at the CNC Technics stand.
January 2018:
Cadfil Version 9.21 is released with new updates, features and fixes. Some of the changes are listed on the What's New Page. Including a helper Wizard for joining path creation and further options for winding machine integration in the post-processor.
October 2017:
Cadfil Version 9.17 is released with new updates and features. Some of the changes are listed on the What's New Page. Additional includes a new Multihoop winding interface for pressure vessels from "Vessel With End-caps" and new features for easier winding machine configuration setup.
September 2017:
Cadfil Version 9.16 is released with new updates and features. Some of the changes are listed on the What's New Page.
July 2017:
Cadfil Version 9.15 is released with new updates and features. Some of the changes are listed on the What's New Page.
November 2016:
Cadfil Version 9.07 is released with new updates and features. An all new features is a specific options designed for Pipe reducers. Some other changes are listed on the What's New Page. Cadfil 9.07 can be found on the downloads page.

June 2016:
Cadfil Version 9.04 is released with new updates and features. The advanced simulation and clash detection have been significantly enhanced as 3D models of the static parts of the machine or surroundings can be added via files from a 3D CAD package, further information can bound found in the help section. Cadfil 9.04 can be found on the downloads page. Cadfil has by far the most advanced simulation and visualisation features of any filament winding software available.
April 2016:
Cadfil Version 9.03 is released with new updates and features. Find it on the downloads page.
March 2015: Fun(?) with string and a Kuka Robot
Checkout the latest video
February 2015: New options for complex pipe bends, double elbows, dog-legs, pipe joggles etc
A new option for for complex pipe bends, double elbows, dog-legs, pipe joggles and many more such variants that are based on a pipe with a generally curved 2D Spine. More information can be found by following this link.

January 2015: JEC Paris Show 10-11-12 March 2015
We look forward to meeting you again at the JEC World show. The JEC show will be held 10-11-12 March 2015 at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles, Paris, France. If you would like to arrange a meeting to discuss how we can help you, please contact us or you should be able to find us at the CNC Technics stand at 7.3 K42 (Hall 7 Floor 3 stand K42).

July 2014: New Developments in 3D Graphics and FEA/FEM interfaces
Shortly we will be releasing versions of Cadfil with the open for additional 3D graphics based on the OpenGL systems. With OpenGL compliant 3D graphics cards a wider range of animation and dynamic viewing become available. A brief preview can be seen in this link. We also recently did some testing if our FEA output into the ABAQUS systems, this has proved very successful and and overview can be seen in this link. With the FEA interfaces mandrel geometry and multi-layer fibre architecture (thickness/angle/material data) can be rapidly exported to commercial FEA software saving large amounts of time and leading to more rapid product development.

January 2014: JEC Paris Show
We look forward to meeting you again in 2014 at the JEC Show Europe (Paris). The 2014 JEC show will be held 11-12-13 March 2014 at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles, Paris, France. If you would like to arrange a meeting to discuss how we can help you, please contact us.

December 2013:
Cadfil Version 8.03 now includes a new IGES interface to the IGES 5.3 standard. Longitudinal sections for Axisymmetric mandrels (Cadfil-Axsym) and transverse sections for Spars and other non-axisymmetric ducts can now be imported. Other changes include improvements to the direct to/from Excel (spreadsheet) interface for the material database.

November 2013:
Cadfil Version 7.99 is released with new updates and features. Find it on the downloads page.
October 2013:
Cadfil Version 7.98 is released with new updates and features. Find it on the downloads page.
August 2013: New options to aid with the design of Filament Wound Poles and Masts
Poles and masts are an increasingly common application for filament Winding whether they be for lighting, communications , CCTV cameras or other applications of this type. Composite Poles have significant advantages over conventional materials and can have much better full-life cost when installation and maintenance costs are properly considered. For most masts and utility poles one of the key considerations is the bend stiffness under prescribed loads. Design standards such as BS EN40 or AASHTO-LTS5 prescribe maximum deflections under load expressed as a fraction of the pole height. If you need more information then just follow this link.
April 2013:
Cadfil Version 7.91 is released with new updates and features. Find it on the downloads page.
March 2013:
Cadfil Version 7.88 is released with new updates and features. Find it on the downloads page.
February 2013:
Cadfil Version 7.87 is released with new updates and features. Find it on the downloads page.
January 2013: Happy new year - checkout our new prototyping services
If you need development of filament wound parts for prototype test or small series production parts we can help you, just follow the link.
December 2012: Cadfil launches Options for Stress analysis of filament wound tubes

Many years ago when we started working in the field of filament winding it was apparent that some simple tools for laminate analysis of tubular filament wound components would be highly useful. There are many complex and capable software analysis systems available commercially however for day to day engineering some quick calculations are what is needed during the initial feasibility of a project. The simple questions of what diameter do I need, what wind angle should I use or how thick should it be, are the first questions that need to be answered. We developed such software and have used it for our own calculations for many years. Following frequent requests from customers we have updated the user interface and created user documents to allow this software to be made available as part of the Cadfil filament winding software systems. This is an exciting development and for a short time this options is available as an upgrade for existing Cadfil customers at a special rate,
November 2012: Feiplar Show Sao Paulo , Brazil
Best wishes to all those we met at the busy Feiplar show in Sap Paulo and thanks to Korthfiber for their hospitality.
September 2012: Cadfil Software Youtube Channel
You can now also find news and a range of filament winding videos at the CadfilSoftware Youtube channel.
May 2012: Cadfil in Brazil
We are highly delighted to announce a new partnership with Korthfiber of Sao Paulo, Brazil for sales and technical support of Cadfil software in South America. Korthfiber will be offering the full range of Cadfil products as well as their own Multi-axis filament winding machines. Korthfiber evaluated other filament winding software but found Cadfil to be the most user friendly and accurate, to quote their proprietor "What impressed us with Cadfil was that every trial we did was right first time!" For information on Korthfiber go to
April 2012: Cadfil/Nastran Interface Added
Manually setting up material thickness and angles data for Finite Element Modelling (FEM) for filament wound components is very time consuming so automating the task is a big advantage. The linked PDF presentation shows the process of creating the FEA Model from Cadfil, it is quick and simple. Cadfil outputs shell element model with a full laminate description for each elements. The user is able to adjust the mesh size/density prior to exporting the data from Cadfil. A Nastran Bulk data file is created complete with GRID, CTRIA6/CQUAD4, COORD2R, PCOMP and MAT8 cards to fully describe the shape and laminate structure and orientations. PDF download. Right click to save, left click opens in new tab or window. Cadfil Finite Element Interfaces (PDF)

March 2012: JEC Paris
Best Regards to all we met at JEC 2012, another busy and successful show. We look forward to meeting you again in 2013. The 2013 JEC show will be held from Tuesday 12 March to Thursday 14 March 2013 at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles, Paris, France.
If you would like to arrange a meeting to discuss how we can help you, please contact us.

November 2011: "Composite Filament Winding" Published
We have been pleased to contribute to COMPOSITE FILAMENT WINDING Edited by S.T. Peters and published by ASM International (ISBN-13: 978-1-61503-722-3). Because of our acknowledged expertise in advanced filament winding software we were invited to provide a chapter entitled "Programming Techniques, Computer-Aided Manufacturing, and Simulation Software".
THIS IS THE FIRST CONTEMPORARY BOOK to treat filament winding with a focus on automation. The purpose of this book is to provide detailed procedures for automated filament winding for complex shapes, to chronicle the progress that has been made in robotic filament winding along with ancillary processes that support the deposition process. It is also to show what has and what can be done to advance the process and science of low-cost composite fabrication by filament winding.
August 2012:
Cadfil Version 7.81 is released. Find it on the downloads page.
January 2012:
Cadfil Version 7.70 is released. Find it on the downloads page.
November 2011:
Cadfil Version 7.67 is released. Find it on the downloads page.
August 2011:
Cadfil Version 7.65 is released. Find it on the downloads page.
April 2011:
Cadfil Version 7.63 is released. Find it on the downloads page.
March 2011:
Our best wishes to the many people we met at ICERP 2011 in Mumbai and we look forward to seeing you all again in 2013.
February 2010:
Windows 7 Support added to the downloads page.
Cadfil wins JEC Asia Innovation Award (pdf)
Category: Process
Design and process development of non axi-symmetric four-axis integral filament winding of double-‘D’-shaped, all-composite road tankers.
- Winner:
- Modern Engineering Plastics Pvt, Ltd. MEPPL (India)
- Partners:
- NGN Composites (India)
- CNC Technics Pvt. Ltd. (India)
- Crescent Consultants (United Kingdom)
- TIFAC Govt. of India

Sections played a key role in the development of
these Fully Wrapped Non-Round road tankers.
Road tankers are used all over the world for transportation of water, edible oil, milk, chemicals and petroleum products. Traditionally, road tankers have a steel or aluminium body, with or without rubber lining inside. Metallic tankers are heavier with 12 to 15% of the liquid they carry and the rubber lining requires frequent repair and relining every four years.
Unlike pressure vessels, road tankers for transportation of liquids under gravity are made of double-‘D’-shaped cross-sectional profiles in order to keep the overall centre of gravity low for better stability and vehicle road holding. No winding process for such non axisymmetric profiles with integral-end dome winding has been developed so far. This innovation is intended for the filament winding of such tankers.
These composite tankers are more resistant to water and many chemicals. Their high strength-to-weight ratio and stiffness-to-weight ratio make them lighter and long lasting. They offer 45% weight saving over a steel tanker. The joint-less winding of shell in an automated machine makes production faster and the product stronger. Two tankers can be made in a day vs. several days for steel. A factor of safety of six or above is guaranteed without any resin leakage.
In September 2008, the AMC approved the launching of the tanker for field application. Negotiations are in process with a major truck manufacturer in India for marketing the product with annual initial sales of 500 tankers. Jump to Road Tanker Winding Video(non-round)
Cadfil featured in Reinforced Plastics Magazine (external website)- click to read about Cadfil in the top 10 composites stories of 2009.
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